Creamed Honey - Allergy Blend Regular & Plus
Please don't panic buy this product as others then miss out and suffer.
I will make new batches regularly.
A blend of all the honeys from around the Western suburbs with added pollen to help support with heyfever.
The REGULAR blend has added pollen and the PLUS range has added pollen PLUS 100% theraputic grade, food safe, essential oils of lavender, fennel, chamomile and sacred frankinsence
Care Instructions
Best kept in the fridge or cool cupboad. Creamed honey has been whipped and seeded with fine crystalized honey. Some seperation may sometimes occur but just remix with a clean teaspoo to reblend again. Do not heat in a microwave or soften in hot water.
Purchase Limit x 2 per order
Due to the demand of this product, please limit your order to 2 Allergy Blends at most so others don't miss out.
I will be making new batches regularly.